Okay, okay, I admit this isn't Sheol. But considering how bad this site is, it might as well be and it may make you wish you were in Sheol. Anyway, thank you for gracing us with your presence. I am Vex Godglove, welcome to my abode. Each section of this site is dedicated to things that I enjoy. Feel free to roam around, borrow any images you like. Be sure to ask permission before using any of the written works, though. They are the results of many hours put in by their authors.
The Eternal Debate. Some propsed answers to a question that has plagued mankind for years.
Live Lournal -- This is my new online journal and rant board. Its been relocated and is now udated more frequently.
A humorous look at Goth fashion.
Read an article on goth culture. I found this to be very interesting. Enter